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Lawn fungus is significant for optimum growth and fertility. It decomposes organic matter, providing micro-nutrients to turf, maintaining beauty and lawn vigor. However, disease-causing harmful fungi are also present in the soil. After finding favorable conditions, it supports lawn disease growth and pest infestation. To avoid the damage, you need lawn fungus control treatment to subdue the harmful fungus. Fungal diseases like red thread, dollar & leaf spot, brown patch disease, snow mold, and summer patch subjects the lawn to infertility.

There are different treatments available to treat fungal growth. Not all fungi can be treated with the same treatment methods, fungicides, and chemicals. Therefore, Lawn Doctor USA uses different methods and lawn fungus control treatments to eliminate the gnawing fungus. Our arborists know the growth factors and life cycle of fungus and how it makes the lawn susceptible to diseases. They customize effective treatments considering all the parameters.

The Process Of Lawn Fungus Treatment

Walk-In Inspection

Walk-In Inspection

Our lawn care specialists visit your lawn to identify the symptoms and fungus type that has covered the ground. We visually inspect important factors using advanced equipment.

Fungus Type Identification

Fungus Type Identification

There are 13 types of lawn fungi, and each has a different treatment technique. Therefore, we look for identical symptoms that can help us understand the fungus type.

Treatment Selection

Treatment Selection

After identifying the fungal type, we choose the most effective lawn fungicide treatment to eliminate it. We try to avoid using harmful chemicals or keep the quantity minimum.

Lawn Preparation

Lawn Preparation

We aerate the lawn soil and prepare the ground for applying fungicides and other chemicals. Our arborists take all the safety measurements before offering lawn fungus treatment.

Lawn Fungicide Treatment

Lawn Fungicide Treatment

We prefer mowing, aerating, and mulching your ground to remove slight growth. Our arborist sprays reliable chemicals and non-toxic fungicides to eradicate a thick fungus layer.

Lawn Maintenance

Care & Maintenance

Our team follows the care and maintenance routine and takes follow-ups to ensure the treatment’s effectiveness. They also give lawn diagnosis service to diagnose lawn diseases.

How Does Fungal Treatment Support Lawn Disease Control?

  • Lawn fungus treatment provides adequate moisture that will help the lawn develop deep root systems.
  • It will strengthen the grass and plants to fight against fungi and diseases.
  • It eliminates excess moisture, heat, and humidity to promote the ability of lawn disease control.
  • Fungus treatment stops the fungi from harming soil fertility and productivity in the long run.
  • The use of organic fungicides boosts growth and restricts the spread of disease and fungus from affecting the entire lawn.


How Does Fungal Treatment Support Lawn Disease Control

Take Preventative & Safe Fungus Treatment From Lawn Doctor USA

Lawn fungus can make your lawn prone to diseases and pests attack. It may affect soil fertility, reducing productivity and disease resistance capabilities. Lawn Doctor USA offers preventative fungus and lawn disease treatment to save your lawn from attracting life-threatening diseases. We have an experienced team to identify and treat the symptoms and diseases related to the issue.

Our arborist team inspects the fungus growth and tests your soil and grass to look for identical symptoms. Based on the inspection result, we generate a report comprising details of lawn structure, fungus type, growth stage, treatments, etc. We choose natural methods like mulching, lawn aeration and seeding to drive away lawn fungus. We apply non-toxic fungicides and other chemicals to eliminate excessive and poisonous fungi and to support lawn disease control.

Lawn Doctor USA gives lawn disease treatment to cure diseases caused by fungal growth. Our effective techniques stop the land from becoming infertile. We also give you tips and train you to perform regular care and maintenance practices to avoid fungal growth in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the fungus does not disappear with time. In fact, it spreads more and covers the entire area if left unattended. In some cases, a small layer of lawn fungus can fade away due to regular lawn mowing and mulching.

You may notice white, brown, and yellow patches or rings occurring on the lawn grass. Also, red, orange, black, gray, and purple spots on stems or blades may appear. After noticing these signs, you must call the professionals to take lawn fungus control treatment.

Lawn fungus is quite sticky and could cover the entire lawn if not eliminated on time. However, you cannot treat the lawn alone and eliminate lawn fungus. You need to take the lawn diagnosis service from a lawn care company to identify the growth stage.

Apart from fungus control treatments, regular pruning, trimming, mowing, aeration, and mulching can eliminate lawn fungus. However, these treatments cannot remove a thick layer of poisonous fungus.

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