Lawn fungus is significant for optimum growth and fertility. It decomposes organic matter, providing micro-nutrients to turf, maintaining beauty and lawn vigor. However, disease-causing harmful fungi are also present in the soil. After finding favorable conditions, it supports lawn disease growth and pest infestation. To avoid the damage, you need lawn fungus control treatment to subdue the harmful fungus. Fungal diseases like red thread, dollar & leaf spot, brown patch disease, snow mold, and summer patch subjects the lawn to infertility.
There are different treatments available to treat fungal growth. Not all fungi can be treated with the same treatment methods, fungicides, and chemicals. Therefore, Lawn Doctor USA uses different methods and lawn fungus control treatments to eliminate the gnawing fungus. Our arborists know the growth factors and life cycle of fungus and how it makes the lawn susceptible to diseases. They customize effective treatments considering all the parameters.