Effective Ways To Prevent Lawn Grub
Lawn Grubs are the larvae of beetles that infest the lawn, leading to life-threatening diseases and infestations. The pale white color pests have a C-shape, soft bodies, and legs attached to their heads. Grubs suck essential nutrients and organic matter from the lawn soil, roots, and grass. They feed on particular sections and grow up as adult beetles known as Japanese Beetles, June Bugs, or European Chafers. Hence, grub control is essential to protect lawn growth and health.
Lawn grub treatment stops the lawn from succumbing to early and unexpected death. It saves the lawn from experiencing extensive damage, turf thinning, brown spots, and other repercussions of grub infestations. However, grub infestation is hard to recognize for amateur gardeners, so forget about treating it. If you are not an expert, you may fail to identify its presence on your lawn.
In this blog, you can learn practices to prevent grub occurrence and remedies to eliminate infestation early. We suggest you hire experts for grub control if the infestation has already damaged your lawn or you don’t know how to treat it.
How To Identify The Presence Of Lawn Grub?
Before we proceed with the treatment, you should know how to identify the presence of lawn grub. Inspect your lawn and look for these signs to determine its presence.
- Drought-stricken lawn
- Grass yellowing
- Brown or patchy grass
- Presence of moths, beetles, and other pest species
- Irregular brown patches
- Separated soil and weak roots
- Poor grass growth
Use These Effective Tips For Lawn Grub Treatment
If you have recognized the existence of lawn grub, then it’s time to learn lawn grub treatment to repel the infestation. Use these tips while eliminating these invasive creatures from your lawn.
1. Damage Assessment
Soil testing can help you understand how the grubs have infested the lawn and what is the damage stage. Collect a sample of soil and send it to the laboratory for testing. Avoid taking any treatment if reports show five or fewer grubs. Use home remedies and aerate your soil if the number falls between 5 to 10. Take professional help if it is going above 10.
2. Use Beneficial Nematodes
Nematodes are microscopic parasitic worms that have a ferocious appetite for lawn grubs. They invade grubs and release bacteria until they eliminate grubs from the lawn. It is an efficacious remedy, but it may take two to three years to completely drive the infestation away.
You can buy Nematodes from nurseries, catalogs, retail stores selling garden products, and online platforms. Use them as soon as you receive them, otherwise, they may die due to environmental change. Apply Nematodes in the afternoon and avoid excess application.
3. Control Moisture
Lawn grubs require moisture to sustain temperature and thrive in adverse conditions. For grub control, you can avoid irrigation for a certain period and create an artificial drought. A dormant lawn will eliminate eggs and young grubs, mitigating its population.
4. Introduce Milky Spores
Milky Spores is a bacterial disease known for attacking larvae of Japanese Beetles. It is a sustainable and organic option to eliminate the grub population from your lawn. You can easily buy milky spores from the local shop or garden store along with the dispenser for its application. After buying, introduce them to your lawn, and they will attack the grubs.
However, you must apply milky spores at least 2 to 3 times a year to yield positive results. After 3 to 4 years, you can stop applying them. They will act as natural grub controllers for 15 to 20 years. During the application, pay attention to environmental conditions, including moisture, soil pH, composition, temperature, and weather. Milky Spores are sensitive, and they might die in an unsuitable environment. So introduce them when the temperature is between 60° F to 70° F.
5. Use Neem Oil Or Azadirachtin For Safe Removal
For grub removal, you can consider using neem oil or Azadirachtin. Both are safe and organic products for grub treatment. They act as non-toxic bio-control agents and deter the grub from lawn feeding.
6. Apply Chemical Products On The Affected Areas
You can also choose non-toxic chemical products for faster grub elimination, but this practice requires expertise. We don’t suggest you do it without the presence of lawn care specialists. You may not have enough knowledge to identify and choose safe products and determine their quantity. You can approach Lawn Doctor USA experts for chemical application.
Convenient Practices For Lawn Grub Prevention
Prevention is always better than cure, so you can try these lawn grub prevention remedies to avoid damage and treatment.
- Rake the soil to remove dead patches and soil compaction
- Perform soil aeration to break the thatch layers and eliminate grubs early
- From time to time reseed the patchy areas and mow your lawn to keep pests away
- Irrigate the lawn adequately in the morning
- Enable the soil to soak moisture
- Call lawn care specialists for regular inspections
How Can Lawn Doctor USA Help With Lawn Grub Treatment?
Lawn Doctor USA is a reputed organization offering lawn healthcare services. Our company has an expert team to eliminate lawn grubs and protect the lawn from its damage. We apply non-toxic chemical pesticides for faster damage recovery. We also use other methods to eliminate grubs naturally.
The presence of lawn grub can deter lawn productivity, leading the affected areas to unexpected death. You must take precautions and lawn grub treatment to restrict their growth and stop them from robbing soil fertility and lawn productivity. On-time treatment will prolong the lifespan of the lawn and keep it green forever.